Hi, I’m Tamae.

When I was 9, my dermatologist told me that I needed to figure out a way to live with my eczema because it was not going away but instead, getting worse as I got older.

Was I happy to settle for that option? No. But I did not know what the alternative option was so I continued using the steroid creams my dermatologist prescribed me.

Several years later, my body started reacting to the steroids. My skin was red and oozed. I was very uncomfortable but also embarrassed by how my skin looked. I kept my head down, trying to avoid eye contact with others. My skin impacted my self-esteem greatly and I felt so small.

I knew deep down that I needed to somehow cut ties with steroids. Without knowing what would happen to my body, I stopped all medications and went through topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) first in ‘92 and then in ‘93.

This was before the Internet and social media so I had no idea whether I was making the right choice. There were many days I wondered what the point of my life was and had suicidal thoughts. But thankfully, my strong desire to heal won over the darkest thoughts and I tried to imagine my future self after my skin was healed.

After months of being bedridden, sleepless nights and lots of tears, new skin started appearing 6 months into my withdrawal process. Although it was just a small area of the body, I still remember how much hope it gave me because it was the 1st time I could finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.

TSW changed my life by teaching me the natural healing power of my body. I did not connect the dots then but now that I am older and a mother of 2 daughters, I appreciate the challenging years I had as a child. Because I gained the knowledge to treat skin issues with a holistic approach so that my daughters will never need to go through what I went through.

If you are feeling lost and sad because of your eczema, I hope my story gives you hope and you now know that it’s possible to have a life that is not controlled by your eczema.

As an eczema coach, I work with you to improve your eczema naturally so that you can live your life without worrying about your skin.

If you are interested in finding out how I can help you, click on the button below to set up a free discovery call.

Please know that it is possible to wake up to healthy skin and go on with your day without having to think about your skin.

Love and light, Tamae



Nutrition Therapy Institute
Master Nutrition Therapist candidate

University Degree:
James Madison University
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology